G+ Migration Outreach And Steve Winwood: Eleven Point Two Million Served
Summary: Today I reached "another several million people" for G+ migration.
Over at G+ Beautiful Pictures. My new goal is to reach fourteen million people [ memberships ] on G+.
"I can't find my way home."
Steve Winwood
G+ Beautiful Pictures has over three point two million members, active or inactive.
I like the group but had not posted there, including not for G+ migration.
The group rules clearly state "no promotion of other groups".
That puts a major damper on my work. Other groups say the same thing.
Suhaib Alhashmi posted a poll on G+ shutdown which received 2654 votes and 73 reshares.
One of the reshares was Zohra Khan reposting to G+ Beautiful Pictures, again having 3.2M members.
On this thread I added my standard G+ migration outreach post.
So at this point I am claiming eight million plus three point two million people reached, or eleven point two million memberships reached.
And the outreach placed at the Zohra Khan repost is pushed to the twenty six hundred people who are actively interested in the future of G+.
Which of course has no future in the sense that current users can engage.
My G+ migration post to G+ WOA Comic [ N > 2M ] was reshared twenty eight times.
Some other equivalent posts I have made to different groups have been reshared many times.
Some G+ groups remain very active. Some G+ groups are migrating to Fascistbook, including some major groups.
Overall, I see large movement towards MeWe, and no doubt that derives in significant part from my outreach work.
Again, my purpose was not to mainly support one replacement platform in particular.
All my outreach has also mentioned Reddit and the landing zone there for Grefugees. And this discussion group and so forth.
My job is to build bridges. In English and other languages.
I happen to know what a real refugee is. I have studied with quite a few Tibetan refugees. Examples are [ the previous ] Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, [ the previous and also current ] Kalu Rinpoche, Yangthang Tulku Rinpoche, Chojay Trichen Rinpoche, Luding Khen Rinpoche, Thrangu Rinpoche, Penor Rinpoche, Namkhai Drimed Rabjam and Tharchin Rinpoche.
And many others.
I did not study with the Sixteenth Karmapa, but I do have transmission from the Seventeenth Karmapa.
What that means is that I carry bodhisattva responsibilities.
What we learn is that there are risks and major hurdles in life, and sometimes you have to start over.
In such situations what one needs are inner resources and teamwork and strategy.
We almost lost everything in Tibet. The PRC Chinese Red Army collectivized basically all the food of the Tibetan people for "equitable redistribution".
The Tibetans fell for that and within one year five hundred thousand Tibetans were forcibly starved to death. Even with a whole harvest collected.
History teaches us to not trust people, and in particular to not trust certain specific groups, based on their track records.
Repeated genocide and reliance on mass murder are usually key indicators.
I am not illiterate in history, politics, psychology, systems programming, yoga or Buddhadharma.
Especially not in systems programming or Buddhadharma.
Let's face it. Almost no one can read either of my two resumes, the technical one of the dharma one. Good luck trying to read either.
It turns out that one of the most important things in life is to have a real guru.
Or in my case, more than sixty gurus.
It also turns out that no matter how real you are people will call you crazy, stupid, or both. In my case that happens a lot. All over the place.
Not that the Dalai Lama has any chance of breaking my stuff.
Anyway, on the fundamental level it all comes down to one thing.
What is that one thing? It's called a track record, sometimes known as a "ceevee", a curriculum vitae in Old English.
I have a track record. This is part of it.
I fully expect to reach a nominal fourteen million G+ memberships in the coming weeks.
I have a separate path to communicating G+ migration, and much other outreach work to do in the weeks remaining to us here.
Today I think that the original shutdown timeframe of August would be most wonderful.
The point however is that people need to
Plan To Have A Plan.
As for me, I help as many people as I can. Preferably by the hundreds of thousands, preferably by the millions.
We just keep going. That is the bodhisattva's way, and that is what I teach in the professional sense.
Someone has to know how this stuff works. If it is To Be, then it is Up To Me.
Happy Chinese New Years.
Steve Winwood: Can't Find My Way Home
Three Versions
Steve Winwood // Blind Faith - "Can't Find My Way Home"
Steve Winwood, Eric Clapton - Can't Find My Way Home
Rachael Price - Can't Find My Way Home
Steve Winwood - "Can't Find My Way Home"
[Verse 1: Steve Winwood]
Come down off your throne and leave your body alone
Somebody must change
You are the reason I've been waiting so long
Somebody holds the key
[Chorus: Steve Winwood]
But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home
[Verse 2: Steve Winwood]
Come down on your own and leave your body alone
Somebody must change
You are the reason I've been waiting all these years
Somebody holds the key
[Chorus: Steve Winwood]
But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home
[Outro: Steve Winwood]
But I can't find my way home
But I can't find my way home
But I can't find my way home
But I can't find my way home
Still I can't find my way home
And I've done nothing wrong
But I can't find my way home
[ Fair Use asserted. For educational purposes only. All legal rights remain with copyright owner. No infringement intended. ]
Steve Winwood // Blind Faith - "Can't Find My Way Home"
Steve Winwood, Eric Clapton - Can't Find My Way Home
Rachael Price - Can't Find My Way Home
Can't Find My Way Home
#DieHardsSociety It's a hard...but essential...truth.