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Want to delete G+ profile asa but concerned about YouTube channel being affected.

Want to delete G+ profile asa but concerned about YouTube channel being affected. Heard info to the positive & negative. Any definitive info from admin or users here would be appreciated ,so we can get the hell out of this mess of a platform & know that our YouTube channel will be safe.


  1. Why would you delete your profile at all?

  2. Gerhard Torges Because we will be denied access to it in the near future & will not be using this platform until then anyway. Google also claim undeleted profiles are a security or privacy risk, following past mass data breaches they are probably right.

  3. Ragestation In theory, G+ and YouTube are independent and there will be no effects. In practice ... 🤷🏽‍♂️

    Note that if you delete your profile, you'll also delete your posts and comments on posts. Deleting posts also deletes comments to them, so this comment of mine will vanish.

    Given that numerous people and a few independent groups are trying to archive much of G+, that may be problematic for them. Though of course, if you need or want to delete content, that is your prerogative.

  4. Ragestation
    Vielleicht sollten wir das G+ Profil erst Anfang März löschen!?
    Dadurch haben die anderen G+ noch etwas Zeit ihre Daten zu sichern.
    Es gibt viele G+ Nutzer, die noch ihre G+ Daten sichern/exportieren wollen!!!
    Einige machen es gerade...
    Einige wollen es in den nächsten Wochen oder erst am Ende von G+ machen.
    Da G+ jetzt schon Störungen hat...
    Ich denke, Anfang März kann ein guter Kompromiss zum Profil Löschen sein!!! ;))

  5. I will continue to delete my posts starting at the older ones. I doubt my commenters will be concerned about their archive on my posts.

  6. To keep things safe, just wait. Let Google deleted it and clean up their mess.

  7. Edward Morbius Andi Droid Kerem Go Thanks to you all for advice here. This has been a big decision with no definite info from Google so all input here is very appreciated.

  8. Edward Morbius We would certainly wait to give others a chance to collate data. Just want to know(without a doubt that deleting G+ page will not affect YouTube. Hopefully this info will come to hand soon.

  9. Kerem Go Starting to think that may be a good idea...


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