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I'm using The Friends+Me Google+ Exporter and this new thing popped up with the new version (1.7.5) saying "Tor in...

I'm using The Friends+Me Google+ Exporter and this new thing popped up with the new version (1.7.5) saying "Tor in Use."

Is it actually using


  1. According to the devs, it's using TOR to bypass the Google+ captchas that appear whenever a single IP address makes too many non-API request in a row.

  2. Whidou Thanks! I just got an email confirming it. This is a nightmare disaster. I installed the exporter on my laptop instead of in a VM. How much illegal content has tor put on my laptop?!?

  3. None, using TOR does not download illegal content to your computer.

  4. TOR was funded initially by the US Military to allow people in oppressive countries to connect to the internet without having their IP's traced. It doesn't install anything bad at all. Yes, bad people use it to avoid being traced, but so do lots of people who desperately need to stay private.

    Also, it's working! I've been running my export on various collections most of the afternoon.


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