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I can no longer remain quiet regarding MeWe.

I can no longer remain quiet regarding MeWe.

After much thought and some very long nights of research, I can no longer silently suggest MeWe as a viable option for migration. My silence may have previously been considered support for the platform, but there are three considerations that forced me to make an active stand:

1. Many people from here are migrating there (based on polling data.) This means it's my duty to inform you that I think this is not a good idea.

2. I have interviewed numerous people who have used it. I have yet to have a positive review from these random samplings.

3. As a private, for-profit company, their loss of an app on the Apple App Store is a very significant sign that they are in trouble and that their life cycle is coming to an end.

I can go into more details to specific questions asked in the comments, but I can no longer silently accept that the site would self correct if enough people migrated there.

It's my conclusion that the monetization of the network is untenable, the company is shaking hands with the devil to stay afloat, and will likely fall in short order.

Originally shared by Isaac Kuo

Say no thanks to MeWe

I do not understand the enthusiasm with which many users being abandoned by a "good" corporation's closed garden are running toward a newbie startup corporation's closed garden.

Oh sure - a startup promises everything and seems very responsive to the customers. They all do. They're not being funded by the customers, they're being funded by VC cash. They try to lock you in while they can, so they can extract value from you later. This is what always happens, because sooner or later the VC's always want their money back and then some (a LOT some).

And you know what? MeWe is going to fail. I mean...there's a small chance it won't, but most startups fail. From the VC's perspective, that's just the price of doing business. Most investments fail, but you get a big payoff from the one that doesn't. That's cool for the VC's, but what good is it for the end users?

For the most part, the end users aren't stupid. For the most part, we avoid getting in deep with dubious startups, and just try to take advantage of freebies while the getting's good. But with this MeWe mass migration, it's like a form of mass stupidity.

The hard truth is that there weren't enough G+ users to justify Google continuing to invest in G+. In terms of raw numbers, there weren't enough of us to keep a Facebook wannabe afloat. Even if we all migrated to MeWe, it would still be a struggling Facebook wannabe.

In contrast, far smaller numbers flooding into diaspora are enough to breath new life into the project. It doesn't have to live or die on high stakes venture capital. Diaspora and Friendica and Mastodon etc have been around through tough times...but without greedy VC's looking to cash the chips in, they have plodded onward rather than folding. The open interoperability means that it's not a closed garden. You can shift from one option to another if one goes down or stagnates.

If you want something future-proof, I'd recommend Hubzilla. It already federates with both the diaspora world (Federation) and the Mastodon world (Fediverse). It offers a unique capability to migrate from one pod to another live - no export/import process required (such as its predecessor, Friendica). Multiple "clones" can be live across pods, meaning that even if one pod goes down you're still up - your followers/followees see no downtime. It's not 100%, since followers/followees in diaspora/Mastodon are pointed to your "clone" on a specific pod, but it's as good as it'll get.

The bottom line is that you'll be part of an open system which has been around the block, and which is resilient to the loss of pods. Your followers/followees don't need to make the same choice as you do - they can use diaspora or Mastodon or whatever.


  1. I need to know age limits for the apps he recommended.

  2. Thanks, John Lewis. I still haven't explored the outside world yet, and appreciate this review. (Likely my new home will be a combo of Slack/blog/YouTube.)

  3. I've seen lots of positive comments for MeWe from "normal" people who have used it for a while, so i'm not sure why you phrased #2 as you did. The Morbius review was pretty biased, and Kuo review was based on expectations not immediate issues. So, i'm not sure there are any neutral reviews of mewe to base vilification on.

    Personally I've used it, but haven't found much interesting there yet. But I haven't seen any of those bugbears a few of you are so concerned about (tho i know they're there out of sight). I.e. it's boring but not scary.

    As far Isaac Kuo 's argument that the VC's/big money people will ruin it, that may be the case, but it remains to be seen.

    I too encourage people to prefer the open standards approach. But if you want private groups, there isn't much to chose from. Friendica has some such capability but has only a tiny community.

    So, yeah i can see withholding recommendations to join mewe (or making it a mainstay of your online world), but vilification isn't justified based on the data and user comments that i've seen.

    I think we're going through some sort of mass paranoia and everyone is choosing up sides, quite unnecessarily IMHO.

    [Edit to add: Bias i mentioned, my own judgement call i admit, is this ]

  4. Then it is time you were removed as moderator from this community if you cannot retain impartiality.

    Until you, or others, provide actual proof to back up your claims then you are basing your judgements on hearsay. Not one bit of the post you link is backed up with hard fact, or even personal experience with the platform.

    Not one news outlet has backed up the story that it has been removed from the app store. Do a search for it. Plenty of it being number one trending social media app, you would have thought that they'd be all over this.

    A sample poll of a few users is very, very poor science. I could point you to plenty of former plussers who could give a positive outlook of the platform.

  5. Also, MeWe saw a 400% growth in 2018. Is that the sign of a death throw?

  6. Commander Gustavo because of their decentralised nature, terms and conditions (including age restrictions) for the federated alternatives such as Hubzilla, Diaspora*, Mastodon, Pleroma, Osada, Friendica, etc, might depend on each individual instance's restrictions, though in general I'm quite sure it'll be at least 13 years and up, and potentially older. Based on within the EU the age from which a child can provide consent to having their personal data disclosed (which is a common situation with social media), various per member states.
    This is even further strengthened by the GDPR, as states on the aforementioned website:
    «Based on Article 16 of the TFEU, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies as of 25 May 2018. Article 8 outlines rules regarding children’s consent to the processing of their personal data (including the data’s disclosure) in relation to information society services offered directly to children. In this regard, the regulation specifies that, for children under 16, the holder of parental responsibility shall give or authorise the consent. However, Member States may provide for a lower age, as long as this is not below 13 years. National legal provisions still apply if the matter falls outside of the GDPR’s scope.»

    It is an interesting side question though: since data is often propagated between instances within a federated network, should such age limits be restricted to the highest common denominator of those federated with each other, or can a single instance still have no (or a lower) age restriction than for instance the adult-content instance with which it federates and thus exchanges data?

    Note btw that the GDPR not only applies to servers within the EU, but also for the data provided by users within the member states who have accepted the GDPR. - Consent to disclose data on children

  7. Bill Brayman Thanks, I know what confirmation bias is and if you ask Morbius or anyone one else I've talked to, I am not suffering from it.

    I withheld my decision for a long time, even advocating that if enough people simply joined, it would change MeWe's culture and create enough revenue to keep it a viable option.

    No one can accuse me of not doing my homework here, at least not accurately accuse me of it.

    I've bent way over backwards trying to find reasons to remain neutral regarding MeWe. They did this to themselves and it's simple capitalism, it has nothing do to with party affiliation (I have none... well, I liked Sanders, does that count?), fear of Nazis, and it's nothing to do with previous partners on MeWe who held hyper-liberal viewpoints.

    It has to do with the owner and how he is desperately trying to find a niche. That niche is "_privacy and freedom_". Only it's not enough.

    Every innovation they create is a copy of something else. Every group they invite was cast off by another service. Everything points to problems in staying monetized and their model of "add ons" and "professional levels" isn't going to do it, IMHO.

    That's an opinion that survived the first and second dot com booms, seen the bitcoin thing do exactly what I said it would, and I have a lot of experience in start-ups & marketing.

    It's all there when you hear the owner speaking.

  8. Chris Angelidis Venture Capitalist. See for a definition of this and other investment terms.

  9. Filip H.F. Slagter Thank you very much,sir!

  10. Mitcy Dupres imho John Lewis is free to have an opinion, and even to personally recommend against one or more platforms. Based on all the pro-MeWe posts still floating around on this community, I can't say his actions as a founder and moderator have led to community bias against MeWe. Posts haven't been removed just because they promote MeWe or another platform. In fact, from personal experience I can say that he's even protected the right of MeWe users to voice their positive opinion on the platform, even when their 'me too' comments were imho drowning out other valuable discussions.
    When posts about MeWe have been removed, it was for instance because people just shared a link to it without providing additional details / cause for discussion, but this has also applied to posts about other platforms, including Diaspora*.

    Besides, he's the founder and driving force behind the existence of this community... imho to ask him to handover the community because of his personal opinions is just guano psychotic...
    and who to? The majority of active users in this community have strong opinions about one or more platforms. Whether they are positive or negative ones doesn't really matter; deification isn't much different from vilification.

  11. Mitcy Dupres Yes, I triple checked the App Store. (I did it, and I had two other Mac users do it.) It's not there.

    The article is not the sole reason for my decision, but it gives some back ground. It's there for people to read and it's obviously based on opinion.

    However my decision is based on far more than one article. I've read and heard way more about MeWe than I ever meant to because I was defending it from people who were saying it was a problem based only on some user groups.

    User groups are not the reason I'm saying it's a bad choice.

    Yes, it points to a certain desperation and profit motive, since I don't think the owner has White Supremacist leanings; but when he explains to groups who are very Conservative why they should ignore a very specific, very left leaning previous employee, he sounds like a sideshow barker.

    I've heard this kind of talk before and from a start-up it sounds like desperation.

    I couldn't have posted this four days ago. I hadn't done enough research (even though I had done a ton by that point.)

    And I couldn't have posted it two days ago. I had to think through the various ramifications of making this statement.

    I can make it today because I've decided that the risk to the people in this community who trust me to guide them in some way, who have seen me ignore people who complained about MeWe, who have watched as I diplomatically refused to take a stand and actually defended MeWe... I owe these people my honest opinion.

    As I said up front. If you have a specific fact you need, ask. I have them. As do many other users.

  12. Chris Angelidis VC mean Venture Capitalist -- those are the people who invest in a business when it's first starts, but they do expect a return on their investments once the business makes a profit. VC money is often in the millions.

  13. Also, if anyone still sees the MeWe app in their App Store (the Apple/iOS one as Android's primary one is called the Play Store, and is unaffected; a common confusion which is the downside of giving your marketplace such a generic term), feel free to report so, along with which territory, as it could of course be a regional/territorial thing, though that looks unlikely at this point.

    The lack of mainstream media reporting about it could be because they're still waiting for comments from both MeWe and Apple.

    Due to new versions of the app having to be accepted by Apple before publication, it could also be the current version has been taken offline before a new version has been approved, for instance due to a bug. Though I would've expected them to have put out a statement yet by now.

  14. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  15. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  16. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  17. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  18. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  19. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  20. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  21. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  22. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  23. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  24. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  25. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  26. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  27. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  28. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  29. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  30. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  31. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  32. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  33. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  34. Things can be so simple.....

    Honestly, I'm now for an entire month on MeWe. The App is working (which is nothing you can say about the Fediverse stuff which feels all BETA) and privacy is working like a charme. Currently I've got 60 or so in my inner circle - and stream and messages are as clean as the people I connect to. Stupid people can be found from Diaspora to Facebook and from Twitter to Mastodon - but if you don't want them to see your posts - they will never bug you.
    I mean - sure, if you're standing somewhere in an open place and yell at random people, some strange ones will answer, too. But this is the fun of closed connections (as it is here with the circles or communities) - only those people here you, who want to hear you - and you gave them the allowance to see your stuff!

    Maybe, somewhen in the future when the Fediverse has working clients and apps, maybe then I will open a channel there too, but currently it feels all empty and like a BETA test on the users.

    Oh, and about the app currently not visible on the Apple Apstore (but still visible on Google Playstore) - maybe the following answers the question "why?".....

  35. Ralf Koch If they knew they were removing their app from the app store to update (which, BTW, no one ever does), why no announcement beforehand?

    If that ends up being the reason, it's simply too clumsy for words.

    But regardless of how the App Store shakes out, it's a recurring theme.

  36. I have got the MeWe app on my iPhone and iPad as i speak they are both working, also i might add that MeWe is kicking ass as it is so much better than any other platform i have tried, and i have been trying a lot

  37. John Lewis No, i didn't mean to suggest you were biased, that was directed to the morbius report where he was looking for bad guys and found them. I had mentioned to him that it was about like reviewing san francisco in the 1800s and noting what a hell hole california is, but, as we see, it still survived quite nicely. I exaggerate of course.

    Here, you are essentially saying that the CEO remarks have convinced you he has a bad business model and there isn't hope for success because the place will be overrun by deplorables, so to speak, am i understanding you correctly?

  38. John Lewis oh, honestly, I've seen that many times if the current app has a serious problem, pull it down before creating more trouble - and try to fire up the new version as fast as possible, which is on App Store sometimes not so fast as you would like it (sigh!)

    However - everything else is just guessing. I don't like that in the media and I don't like it in posts, if people think they know whats going on, but sell it as if it is the one and only truth...

  39. Bill Brayman No, the "deplorables" are not a factor in my opinion. As I have stated elsewhere numerous times, if there was an influx of users who held liberal views (for example the average Google+ user) then MeWe would take a different stance on the reporting that happens in these kinds of groups and the comments made from them.

    No, that's not the problem.

    The problem is that MeWe is fundamentally private, it panders to groups that have been exiled from other sites (rightly, wrongly, I don't care why, but they were) and he is attempting to make marketing strategy based on the need for an increasing amount of users. His technology is copy cat and exists elsewhere. Nothing is innovated there. So you have private code, a promise from someone taking Venture Capital and is burning through it, plus the pandering he does when presented with claims from both sides of the US political spectrum that he is biased. I'll reiterate that I think he is a Libertarian and I have nothing against them (some of my best friends are Libertarians, heh.)

    What happened here, on Google+, will happen there if they can't monetize... and soon. No, emoji packs won't do it. Cute, but no.

    I can cherry pick. I can find users who like it there, or who have at least had neutral experiences. However, I can also find, randomly, people who started there and now feel it's not the right place. That it feels wrong and they give it a negative review. Does that mean some people won't enjoy their time on MeWe, absolutely not. However, my experience and very deep research into MeWe suggest it's going to fail; no one enjoys that.

    So while you might have heard louder voices telling you to avoid MeWe because it's full of Nazis/Conservatives/White Supremisists, I'm not one of them. That isn't a problem if MeWe became populated with a larger sample of users. The revenue stream is alarming and mishandled, IMHO. Again, I have seen the numbers, you can see them with a simple search. It's not enough and their user base isn't going to support them.

    If it's going to die, it will be because it's for profit.

    I've seen elsewhere that the reason it is missing from the App Store is because of delay in rolling out an update, I've confirmed this from one source and seen a copy of a tweet from MeWe stating the same. It's my assumption that MeWe was bitten by Apples very bad store authorization policies and prematurely took down their previous app.

    This doesn't change my current opinion.

  40. Ralf Koch I'm not saying anything other than my opinion, which I've previously withheld. I don't believe I've said anything that isn't credible, verifiable or directly attributed to my own opinion.


  41. Mark Weinstein - Admin
    January 2019
    CEO Report to MeWe Members
    Hi Everyone,
    I hope you’re already having an awesome 2019! Here’s a quick MeWe update from your captain:
    1) Thanks to you, MeWe’s membership exploded in 2018
    MeWe grew over 400% in 2018, and already in 2019 we are growing 3 times as fast on an average daily basis then we did in 2018! The social media revolution is here – MeWe is challenging the status quo and people worldwide are coming to MeWe to enjoy great social networking with NO BS.
    2) MeWe is Worldwide For You
    Did you know that we truly are a worldwide company with 50% of our traffic coming from outside the USA? MeWe is translated into 10 languages already, with more coming in 2019. Have a language you want us to translate to? Send your language translation suggestion to “”
    3) New Features You Suggested
    a. “Open Posts” are now live across MeWe – woohoo! Thanks everyone, for asking for us to develop this. As with everything on MeWe, you have control. You decide whether a post you make is private or open – the default is clearly private. If you change it to “Open”, then it will live on your profile and other MeWe members will be able to see it. We will make further enhancements to open posts this year too – as some members want their open posts to be visible outside MeWe too. Stay tuned. Our commitment is to serve and listen to you – at MeWe you are our members to serve and delight; and never data to sell or target!
    b. "Followers on your profile" - coming in a few weeks! That’s right. We know a lot of you are fed up with Twitter and their strange censorship and algorithms that decide what tweets of your followers to put in your newsfeeds – so in a few weeks you’ll be able to decide if you want to let people follow your profile (which is where your open posts are). You decide – if you want followers, they are separate and distinct from your personal contacts, so you can make a public post that your followers can see – or just keep the lid on and make private posts for your contacts and your groups. This is a very exciting addition, again, because you’ve asked for it.
    c. "MeWe Pages" are live and great! At the end of 2018 we launched MeWe Pages for you to enjoy both following and for you to start your own cool, informative pages and have followers for your business pages, fan pages, news pages, sports pages, special interests, hobbies and entertainment. Please remember there is no imitating someone else and no representing your page to be that of a star or any person or outlet that you do not have permission to represent. I hope you are already enjoying this great new MeWe feature and that it has made your MeWe experience even more delightful.
    4) We Work Hard Everyday To Keep MeWe Safe and Fun for You
    Update on Bots, Trolls, and Spammers:
    All social media companies and others are in a constant battle with the bots, trolls, and scammers/spammers that have way too much time on their hands as disruptive critters. Of course now that we’ve become popular, they are doing this on MeWe too. In light of our remarkable and rapid growth, we think the competition recently underhandedly funded a sexbot attack.
    You may have noticed this little invasion – in a chat, a group, or a contact invitation. We've got it under control and are purging the little buggers. It is a good exercise for MeWe’s engineers as we've developed new spam/sexbot attack tools rapidly and deployed them. If you ever encounter any of these misfits, simply ignore them, or block and report the little cretins.
    Thanks for loving MeWe and helping to take care of our collective home together – bad actors are not welcome in our beautiful and fun MeWe home!

  42. There is a lot more coming this year. It will be a very exciting year for all of us together on MeWe. I’ll post updates periodically for you. Many thanks to all of you for telling the world there is a better place – MeWe.
    Here’s to a great 2019 together!

  43. John Lewis it seems as though everyone, or nearly everyone, who's reacted to your post so far is under the impression that you are "taking a stand against mewe" due to a political or philosophical issue. (because that's how most ppl here on g+ are - they just have to find a political or pseudo-moral thing to soapbox about.)
    However, it seems to me like you're simply saying "hey, don't put your eggs in the MeWe basket, because it's going to fail and you'll be social-media-homeless again".
    - and has nothing to do with politics, etc?
    Is that more accurate?

  44. Of course, I don't know (or care) how many people reading this thread have blocked me, so if what I said is correct, then maybe re-post it for the snowflakes to see as well?

  45. I joined MeWe and have mixed feelings. I prefer G+. Wish it wasn't doomed. There are too many communication options, such as endless chats, for each community. There might be a way to opt out of them.
    In addition, it can be difficult to know just what sort of community you are joining. I requested to join a community which, I thought, pertained to local travel. Upon being accepted, I was shocked to see X-rated content. I reported it.

  46. Just quoting for those who might have blocked eric peacock

    eric peacock:

    +John Lewis it seems as though everyone, or nearly everyone, who's reacted to your post so far is under the impression that you are "taking a stand against mewe" due to a political or philosophical issue. (because that's how most ppl here on g+ are - they just have to find a political or pseudo-moral thing to soapbox about.)
    However, it seems to me like you're simply saying "hey, don't put your eggs in the MeWe basket, because it's going to fail and you'll be social-media-homeless again".
    - and has nothing to do with politics, etc?
    Is that more accurate?



  47. Having an account on MeWe allows you to judge the user experience. It doesn’t provide you the same info that other research does. So thanks to all that have provided constructive comment based on their other knowledge. And thanks to those with MeWe experiences for commenting usefully on those experiences - a related but quite separate topic.

    MeWe for me is a similar interface to g+ to be adequate but it’s not as nice. It is nice enough though. More important is the quality of the communities I’m in. There is mostly a certain vibrancy that isn’t there that could be due to some/many people not fully engaging until g+ dies. Time perhaps will fix that. Not seen any porn or political crap or bad behaviour - the moderators are doing their job. It is just drab. Again maybe g+ has to fold for things to take off.

    I am still looking at other options because of the strong sense of uninspired drabness I get from MeWe. Maybe though that means it’s time to move on. But I’ll wait and see a bit more.

  48. Bryan Ruby , case in point.
    The OP isn't about user experience, content, or really anything other than likely lack of mewe longevity due to poor business model and questionable leadership.
    That's all.
    Just a warning not to get too personally invested in MeWe due to OPs conclusion, based on a lot of in-depth research and experience, about the likely potential future failure of the business that runs MeWe.

    For my part, I'll never be as personally, emotionally invested in any social media site like I was with G+.

  49. So far, I've yet to find a proper G+ replacement, but MeWe is close. I'm hoping picks up as it seems like it could be good. For now, I'm still semi floating around the fediverse. -

  50. Important question: How does MeWe's business model work?

    If it isn't convincing, there are few possible scenarios:

    They will be swallowed by some other company. Things might change.

    They will go bankrupt and everything will be gone.

    They will start charging a fee.

    I think the other options are far better, especially if many people join and help improving them. Open source and self hosting is safer in the long run.

  51. I would like to interject something on the Mewe situation. Their removal from the Apple store is probably due to them not paying Apple's ridiculous $100 per year for the app. They can claim it's the NSFW, or that it's for an update, but honestly it's not. They're losing funds hard because they rely soley on funding from external corporations and have no internal revenue source aside from a membership that no one wants to buy. Mewe is a disaster that cannot be fixed at this point without major internal changes that the company cannot afford to do.

  52. Thanks to all for your insights!

    MeWe can wait. I'm putting my time into Blogger, YouTube, Facebook and Flickr. These are established services with large audiences. Cheap & lazy, I'll let all you youthful eager beavers explore the new services while I try to catch up with the old. Gotta go now. Time to crank up the Victrola again!

  53. Mitcy Dupres

    I'm going to assume that's a tweet. (That's where my updates regarding the App came from.)

    Never remove your existing app on Apple's store until your new one is approved.

    That's really an obvious concept that anyone who's worked on an Apple App Store product.

    Alone this error isn't unforgivable, people have made this mistake before. I wouldn't expect someone who claims to be a nigh progenitor of Social Networks to make that kind of mistake.

  54. Yes, it's from Twitter. They also made a post about it on MeWe to dispel the rumors

  55. John Lewis unforgivable? Are you serious? I mean - what happened? Anyone hurt? Network down? Data lost or exposed? That would be unforgivable. The App thingy is just - an error.

  56. I don't find it surprising at all you've chosen to speak out concerning MeWe.

    They've certainly been well represented with advertising in this com, as well as having a year or two on many other smaller social sites to work out bugs.

    Saying this, I found their negative advertising model a turn off, as well as their lack of foresight with scaling long term.

    To survive, they need new management and a change of direction on a few issues.

  57. Ralf Koch Maybe you misread. Try reading it again, slowly.

  58. Jeff Diver
    I'm with you on the first two as they fit my use case quite nicely. ;)

  59. I've made an account at MeWe but don't really go there much. I think once G+ actually does shut down, the question of where to go next will become clearer.

  60. Thank you. This confirms my fears about MeWe, and my decision that it is not - for me - a viable alternative to the Plus.

  61. Pat Kight What a load of BS i think you need to do more reading, There is a lot of crap being said about this

  62. I had to leave. It was fill of porn and narsistic, selfie taking members and I just got so sick of seeing it. I mean really, how often do you need to take a photo of yourself? 🤣

  63. Tessa Neill
    If you were seeing all that it was because:
    1) You joined groups/pages that had them in it
    2) You invited them into your group/page.

    In either case it was because of YOUR action.
    MeWe gives you full control over exactly what you see and who you engage with.

  64. Andrew Hatchett yeah, I know full well how it works, but thanks. I was a very early migrator and played wth the platform for quite while to learn how it worked. I was in groups that were for migration and info about how to use mewe and the admins of some of them were bombarded with this crap. I was also in other pretty benign groups about gardening, for example, and saw exactly the same. Members and admins trying to take out the trash. And the groups I made I was very slow adding people so I didn't get any of that in mine. The amount of porn and selfie loving members was very high even though you can control, as you say, exactly what you see... That's my point 🤣. Getting to the point where you won't see that crap, was time I didn't want to spend for what you get. And because it's so closed, sharing is difficult and finding like minded people is harder.

    I will say that the people running it were impressively fast to bring in features those coming from g+ wanted. That was nice to see. But still many were constantly reporting profiles - a lot of which were fake. My opinion is based on my experience. Maybe they'll improve it, by now I'm sure they have.

  65. Diaspora and all the others you suggested are not available on the Apple store.What are you on about ? I checked them all last night and none of those come up in the search engine.Is there any explanation for this ? It sounds as if social media is being phased out.Well,it’s either that or Apple have technical difficulties.What do you think ?

  66. Jasmine kittykat Who are you talking to?

  67. Jasmine kittykat
    The Federated networks like Diaspora don’t have apps in the App Store because they are really and truly not interested in selling your personal information. They are non-profit. I use my browser to access Diaspora and it works perfectly. I don’t know why people want to have an app for everything on their phones. Not only does it use up valuable storage, but the main function a device-resident app is to either sell you stuff with the ads that come with free apps or to sell the private information you store on your phone. Have you ever checked out the permissions on cellphone apps? Are you that eager to share your messages, contacts, health info, on your phone with the people who develop those apps??

    There’a big clue for you right there. MeWe has an app that I understand must be downloaded to use the network. Why? The fediverse network, (which include those mentioned by John), has no app because it has no interest whatsoever in selling the information on your phone.

  68. Cherch Cherch Err what difference does it make for selling your user data between apps and the browser? if anything the browser is possibly worse? Depending on what browser and search engine you are using, But MeWe have gone out on a limb and stated No adds No spying & No BS so if they are to be believed then they would be on their own, no one else comes close

  69. Jasmine kittykat For OSX please don't rely on the Apple Store for your software because you're missing out out on such good open source programs. Alternatively choose from the developers website (look for the dmg file) or if your comfortable with the Terminal install something like HomeBrew which offers a repository full with open source software. It's both benificial for you and the developer.

  70. Eric Buijs that is very bad advice unless you are quite apt at tech and security as only taking from the App Store means they are checked by experts, now that does not mean it’s perfect but it’s better than any alternative

  71. Eric Buijs It sounds a little too technical for my liking,why bother with it.Your average person just wouldn’t have the time or the inclination for all of that.I’ll check it out in my browser anyway.I’m not impressed with what I’ve seen of Minds so far,you can’t share YouTube videos or online articles .Maybe it’s my IPad that’s at fault but it’s not going well for me at Minds.I’ve noticed the MeWe App is not available at Apple either.What’s going on there I wonder ?

  72. John Phillips I don't see myself as apt at tech and security at all but I don't have any software from the App Store. I'm running OSX for many years and I don't want to miss GIMP, Inkscape, FreeCAD, Krita and LibreOffice to name a few. All free and open source. All downloaded from the developer, no problem. Why should I pay for LibreOffice in the App Store while I can get it for free from the developer.

  73. Eric Buijs I don’t have an Apple PC just an IPad ,windows laptop and an Android phone.I presume you’re referring to the software for an Apple laptop.I wish I could afford them but they’re way overpriced.

  74. Eric Buijs That's irresponsible to advise someone who isn't knowledgeable about tech to circumvent safeguards put there to protect users. It's fine for people who know what they're doing but I've had to help many Android users who tried to modify their devices without knowing what they were doing.

  75. Jasmine kittykat Apple iOS is a different matter. My wife uses both iPhone and iPad and I wouldn't know how to get software installed that's not in the App Store without jailbreaking (I don't know an equivalent of F-Droid on Android but I haven't investigated it). So you're pretty much stuck to the App store and the browser. BTW: You can't use the browser on the iPad to login to MeWe or Minds?

    I'm speculating but I think the reason that the MeWe app has been pulled from the App Store is because it was violating the terms and conditions of Apple's App Store. I think that information is available elsewhere in this community.

  76. Char G I not advising to modify OSX. I'm only advising to download the .dmg file from the developer. Pay attention, I'm not talking about mobile here. This was the way of doing things before the App Store was introduced and Apple still allows it in OSX.

  77. Eric Buijs I don't like people who patronize others, I think my life will be better without you in it. Blocked ✌️

  78. TBF, that's also how those on Windows still do things as well as they didn't always have a store either (which is still a WIP since Windows 8 came along ) IMHO as it's not quite as good as what you'll find on Apple, Google, or Linux.

  79. Jasmine kittykat I am not nor will I be talking about Diaspora in this thread.

  80. John Phillips
    You said: "Err what difference does it make for selling your user data between apps and the browser?”

    It makes a big difference. I’m surprised you don’t know that. Apps have default permissions defined within them and the average smartphone/tablet user hasn't clue about this. These days, most apps won’t allow you to disable all permissions, even though most permisisons are unwarranted. For instance apps can, and often do, surreptitiously access messages, contacts, phone, photos, health, home, microphone, camera, etc. Some of those can be disabled, but some cannot. That does not happen with a browser. At least not with Safari. Who knows what Explorer has access to… everything probably.

    In fact anyone who has downloaded the MeWe App on their phones and tablets should check the permissions on that app right now and disable every single one except access to internet or the browser.
    (Edward Morbius. You may want to elaborate on this comment if necessary.)

  81. Eric Buijs
    That is very bad advice. No one should install any app that has not been certified . Anything you put on your phone or tablet should have some kind of accreditation.

    BTW, Someone said the reason that Apple removed the MeWe App from its store was because it was not the latest release—that’s horse shit. The App Store carries multiple versions of many apps.

    The usual reasons for being removed have to do with security issues, eg., the developer cannot be verified or is unwilling to provide their real name, or the code is dangerous, or the app requires way too many permissions that have nothing to do with the app.

  82. John Lewis Jasmine kittykat
    I think the reason John won’t talk about Diaspora is because that would appear biased in a post where he has given an objective, albeit personal, opinion on MeWe. He may like or dislike Diaspora but he should not be trying to promote it--in this particular post especially.

    As to the issue of John’s bias one way or the other:
    I, for one, can attest to Joh’s objectivity and determination to be fair. I can vouch to the point that he has been a pain in the neck about it because, early on, he practically drew and quartered me over a post I’d made here that requested feedback on experiences those trying out alternative networks have had. The comments reflected quite poorly on MeWe. So John kicked my post right out of the community. I was annoyed because it was feedback, after all. But I saw his point. People depend on him and Edward Morbius for unbiased information. It’s why they follow this community.

    So Mitcy Dupres Bill Brayman, and anyone else who is questioning John’s motive for this negative recommendation on MeWe, all I can say is it had to be pretty damn serious for him to make this post.

  83. Cherch Cherch my questioning is still valid. The post reshared within it talks a lot of feelings, and "what always happens", but doesn't have one shred of evidence to back it up. That is cognitive bias, rather than being objectively based on fact, towards the techy fediverse and federation.

    Let's look at the 3 points contained in the post that John Lewis wrote:

    1. The crowd is doing it so you shouldn't

    2. The sample size is too small, and has not been made available

    3. Fear mongering or correlation without causation. This is happening so this must happen next.

  84. None of that is objective. I'm sorry, but objective reviews try to argue against their findings rather than just argue for their feelings.

  85. Mitcy Dupres

    Correcting your reiterations of my three points above (these don't supersede my previous statements, they address your versions):

    1. A lot of people are migrating and have taken my non-response about MeWe to suggest I have no objection to it. This is a mistake and I'm rectifying it.

    2. Which is it, the sampling is not available or it's too small. You can't have it both ways. I'm not publishing in a science journal, I just took random people I knew on MeWe and asked how they experienced it. I wasn't cherry picking and I wanted to know their real stories. I'm sorry you doubt my experience. I've earned the respect of enough people that your assertion appears stupid in its face. I was defending MeWe from allegations that it's a hive of racists and Nazis literally days before I decided I couldn't appear to actively suggest the platform.

    3. It's still not available, I just check on my computer and someone else's iPhone. How many days is that now? At what point would you start to worry (as the CEO... not as a user)?

    I've been clear, but you're not having any of that.

    You've said "This is your opinion", and I've never denied the elements that are my opinion.

    You suggest that I am ill-informed but I can probably suggest to you that I've talked to more people about this than you have.

    You repeat over and over that my concerns are invalid, invoking one fallacy you say I'm making after another.

    If it's so obvious, if my response is so flawed, if almost anything you say is true, then it should simply be ignored because what I'm saying would have zero value and not affect anyone.

    Somewhere in your response, I sense a fear that something I'm saying makes a valid point or you wouldn't be trying so hard to make every point in some way invalid.

    Basically, to me, you come off as someone who is invested in MeWe (either ideologically or otherwise) and you are simply using the shotgun technique to attempt to cast FUD on my opinion.

    That's your prerogative but the more you do it, the fewer people are going to listen to your ranting.


  86. Cherch Cherch Better read my posts again, I suggested to download .dmg's for OSX (which is for the desktop and not mobile).

  87. So me questioning your objectivity, the same way someone would question a research paper, makes me a MeWe shill?
    What does that make you?

    I am not the one making claims, so therefore it is not my role to provide proof. Again, you have failed to deliver. You sound like a theist who doesn't like being asked to prove that a god exists.

    Give me some actual evidence, rather than feelings, and then there won't be any need to keep answering. Tell us when the fediverse suffered in the past, tell us what these negative reviews contained, tell us something that can be seen in the OP rather than buried in the comments that most people just won't read.

    I don't like it when people who have influence try to dismiss something without any evidence. I would be exactly the same if you were talking about the fediverse. As a person with influence you should be dishing out hard, balanced facts. Not only negatives for one and positives for another. How can those who are here make an informed choice when the facts are not being put in front of them by the people running the community?

  88. Mitcy Dupres
    How can those who are here make an informed choice when the facts are not being put in front of them by the people running the community?

    I haven't removed any information regarding MeWe from any of the documents provided to the community.

    Not only negatives for one and positives for another.

    Show me the "positive review". I haven't made one. This is the only site I've made a suggestion regarding, in this community.

    "I am not the one making claims..."

    Yes you are. Every comment you made in this thread is a claim. Many are simply claims that my opinions shouldn't matter, your opinion about that is your right to have. Don't pretend that you are only dealing with facts, you've made ad hominem attacks and called into question my motives. When that didn't work you've shifted to a laundry list of possible fallacies I might be using.

    Good luck with that.

    Since you aren't really adding anything new, just trying to force me to respond, I'm done unless you have something of substance to say.


  89. John Phillips I've been doing a lot of reading. This is not the worst review I've seen, and several trusted friends who've tried it have shut their accounts there down.

  90. Mitcy Dupres
    You want an opinion to complain about other than John’s? Here it is. Mark Weinstein self-describes as devoutly religious and a Libertarian. Not only are the two antithetical, but combining them is the sign of a fucked up value system and right wing mindset. That same dangerous combination is seen throughout the Conservative party in the US. I don’t trust them and I don’t trust MeWe or its CEO to look out for the interests of those using the platform. Words of warning to MeWe’s users: you will get what you deserve. I hope you don’t have the gall to come crying when Weinstein sells every bit a data he can scrape from you. After all he’s a Libertarian, so in his mind its his right to do so. It’s all about survival of the fittest baby. Honoring promises is for suckers.


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