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HercuLien and Eustathios Builders community static site archive on GitLab

HercuLien and Eustathios Builders community static site archive on GitLab

This 3D-printing community shows an example of a static site migration to GitLab based on the Friends+Me Google+ Exporter.



What you're looking at is not a live forum, but it is a complete archive of years of content from the community to a forever home, and one that permits the site to be re-homed or re-hosted with all the convenience and ease of a git push.

And though this doesn't presently feature live comments or other advanced features (such as search), those can be wired into GitLab sites by way of any of several Javascript or other tools, as well as third-party Web search.

The site itself is built from the Jekyll static-site generator, and a repository with the source for the port exists here:

Porting was done by Michael K Johnson.

Very nice work.

Originally shared by Eric Lien

I cannot express how happy I am. Michael K Johnson did me and this community a great favor. As we all know G+ is slowly approaching it's "use by date". And I don't trust that google will gracefully sunset G+ with static content pages to retain the years of knowledge, sweat, community we have nurtured in our corner of the interwebs. So Michael who is ...lets be frank... a computer ninja, helped make a backup of this community so it can be hosted out on Gitlabs. It started with a json and image export from , then Michael worked his magic to convert it into usable data we could host remotely.

So now even if Google gives us the old middle digit in April, we will not lose the historic record of what our group brought to the table in the history of the 3DP community. Michael, I cannot thank you enough.

Now it is not a perfect 1:1 G+ backup solution. One of the advantages with G+ was the ubiquity with which you could share. Google photo albums, youtube links, embedded post images, links to outside content. It does not all perfectly display. But DANG is it an amazing start. I have some things to learn to try and get the remainder of the videos and some other content wrapped up under the backup umbrella.

But I thought you should all know it is out there. Take a look, and if any other computer ninjas have some ideas on the remainder of the content backup... please chime in with ideas.


  1. Thanks!

    Be aware that one of the significant limitations is that F+M G+E is that it does not archive all the comments. As far as I can tell, when the G+ UI hides comments behind a click to show all comments, the earlier comments are missing from the stream. In this particular archive, it is a substantial problem that limits the utility of the archive.

    I reported this issue but haven't heard back.

  2. Here's the meat of what I reported so you can compare the difference and see what's missing:

    ...not all comments are preserved. For example, see this site with comments from the exporter:

    Compare that to the list of comments at the original from which it was captured: - Are they getting rid of Google+? Any ideas where we would have this community...

    The export is missing five comments as of the time I did the refresh...

    That refresh was last updated a day and a half ago with 1.7.5, and I have confirmed that the JSON produced by F+M G+E is missing those comments: is over 10MB so you have to download it to read it, but the extra comments aren't there.

  3. Michael K Johnson busy as a bee, will check the missing comments problem.

  4. Michael K Johnson can you try the latest 1.7.6 version?

  5. 1.7.6 does not find any additional comments


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