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!! "As of February 4 you won't be able to make new Google+ profiles or communities."

!! "As of February 4 you won't be able to make new Google+ profiles or communities."

So April 2nd is not the only date to note...

Ars Technica: Google+ shuts down April 2, all data will be deleted.


  1. Last sentence says it:
    "It's going to be a tough year to be a Google user." :(

  2. I'm actually planning on creating a set of spare communities should I need a set. Might even spin up a few more accounts, again, as utilities. Not sure others would want to do this, but it's something you could consider.

  3. Edward Morbius Oh I dunno Dr. Ed; I'm just like hanging out at the bar until closing time at this point...

    I've been a mod at a community of Indonesian G+ users for a while, and we've set a Telegram channel as a migration point & pinned the post etc.,. ...But yeah so far only four persons have um, "migrated" hehe 😅

  4. I got so much learning and teaching out of it; I will miss it like many of the people on the more global platform than Facebook and more flexibility of data presentation. Thanks for the information, I wish you well. :-)


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