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After working with some former G+ community owners and members that have sucessfully migrated their communities from...

After working with some former G+ community owners and members that have sucessfully migrated their communities from G+ to LifeCloud we have made some major upgrades to our G+ Data Importer.

Here is the link to the upgraded Data Import Tool:

With G+ starting to shut down features like "notifications" here is a link to our Google+ Migrants community where you will be able to communicate with us and other LifeCloud members directly about the migration.

We will be happy to work with you directly to ensure a successful move!


  1. Thanks. NB, I've reclassified this as "Migration for G+ Communities", as that's what I'm pointing G+ Community leads at who're looking for this sort of thing.

  2. Really need a creative workaround to get other users posts/comments. Perhaps you could do some integration with wordpress and host other users comments on wordpress and then link to them?

    I did automated migrations from both sites and need something that combines features of both:



    Lifecloud - - LifeCloud

  3. I had a look into Lifecloud and liked what I saw there regarding how communities look and work. You even are able to create group topics like on G+.

    And when I made comments on things that could be improved (design, rss-feeds) - they improved them or considered to implement. I am impressed.

  4. Scott Kotrla I've been talking with the ArchiveTeam about their tools. The main one is wget-lua, which creates WARC archives of target content, and can be driven by lua. (wget-lua is a lua instrumented version of wget, not a lua written version).

    That involves a grabber script / set of directives, which is what you'll .... eventually find in this GitHub repo: - ArchiveTeam/googleplus-grab

    (There's nothing there as of my last check w/in the past 24 hours or so.)

    If any of this means anything to you, you're welcome to work with it. If not, please disregard and ignore.

    I'm only very slightly versed in this and cannot help you directly. The ArchiveTeam have an extensive toolset though and if you want to and can benefit by it, you're welcome to dig through that.


  5. Could anyone please let me know the difference between "free" and "pro" ?
    How much free space, for example in the "free" version ?
    Really tried to find the answers but without success.
    Please, excuse me if I did over read it.
    Thanks in advance!

  6. Filip H.F. Slagter See also warcio and webarchiveplayer.

  7. Angie ́s Thai Amulets The site is free. The "plans" are just for upgraded storage. The free plan comes withh 5 GB of storage.

  8. Angie ́s Thai Amulets In addition to increased cloud storage space there are other features that come with PRO like larger zip file creation (10,000 files vs 50 files), HD video streaming, larger file uploads (25GB vs 1GB), and more.

    If you'll be using LifeCloud as you use Google+ (that is, like a social network) then the FREE plan will be more than enough for years to come.

    This has the full list of FREE vs PRO: - PRO Plans -

  9. Javan Joel
    Thanks ! That really says all I wanted to know.
    Do not know why I didn´t find this information before. Should open my eyes !


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